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Over 50 Lessons from Friedrich Nietzsche on Business and Life
Friedrich Nietzsche (1844–1900) remains to this day one of the most influential thinkers of all time.
The German was a philosopher, composer, poet and philologist, who wrote 15 books in the seventeen years between 1872 and 1888, including Beyond Good And Evil, Ecce Homo, the Antichrist, On The Genealogy of Morality, and Thus Spoke Zarathustra.
What I find striking about Nietzsche’s work is not only the depth of thought, but the application of his teachings to today’s world, whether that be in the professional or personal domain. His work transcends politics, economics, philosophy, psychology, morality, religion and spirituality, work, love and war.
So many of the concepts that get thrown around on all manner of podcasts and media today had already been contemplated by Nietzsche more than a century before they gained prominence — and this will become obvious in my commentary below.
As such, I’ve extracted over sixty key passages from various Nietzsche writings, and hope that his inspires you to delve further into his works, if you have not already.
My commentary can be found in the italics underneath select excerpts, so as to differentiate from the excerpts, and provide, where possible, an interpretation of my own insofar as it applies to…